AcademyACL Governing Board

As a charter public school, Academy for Advanced and Creative Learning is governed by its own Board of Directors through a charter contract with Colorado Springs District 11. This contract provides the AcademyACL Board with permission to manage a school within District 11 boundaries and under its oversight for state regulation. The purpose of the Board is to manage the charter of the school and set the general direction and policy of the school.

The Board typically meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at AcademyACL in Coffeehouse 131. Board meetings are open to the public. Our meeting agenda is posted online at least 24 hours before the meeting and a notification is sent at least 24 hours in advance to the Sunshine Email List; register at the link to receive a notification.

AcademyACL Governing Board Meeting Minutes

Mark Vogtner
Parent-Elected Member
School Accountability Committee
Bryan Owens
Vice President and Secretary
Parent-Elected Member
Policy Committee
Leadership Accountability Committee
Brooke Strawn
Parent-Elected Member
Finance Committee
Board Development Committee
Justine Marquez
Community Member
School Accountability Committee
Board Development Committee
Scott Marcy
Community Member
Finance Committee
Jeffrey Brown
Community Member
Leadership Accountability Committee
Policy Committee

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We're looking for passionate community members to join our team.

Email for more information.

Charter Application & Renewals

In 2008, a private school serving gifted learners closed unexpectedly, and a small group of parents wondered "What if?" and began to consider ways to provide an academic home for advanced & creative learners in the Pikes Peak region. After many months of research and planning, Academy for Advanced and Creative Learning presented their initial charter application to the Colorado Springs School District 11 Board for consideration, and it was approved. We opened our doors in August of 2010, welcoming 175 students in kindergarten through eighth grade and their families. We are proud of our unique program, which has served gifted learners for many years and grown to be a resource in gifted education.

Contact the Board for Inquiries

Have any questions or concerns? Reach out to us.

AcademyACL Board Policies

To download a PDF of all of our Board Policies, please click here.

Join our Governing Board and contribute to AcademyACL's success.

Becoming a Board Member at AcademyACL is a rewarding opportunity to make a difference in the lives of gifted learners. As a board member, you will have the chance to shape the future of our school and ensure financial transparency. We welcome individuals who are passionate about education and dedicated to our mission.